Friday, August 1, 2008

You know

what makes me mad about blogging and even commenting is people out of the blue..complete strangers come in and shove their opinion on what is right or not. Who are these people and what right do they have to tell me how i should express my feelings?? If you do not like what i am saying..please move on..close the page..or ignore my comment and maybe make sure you never read what i write..but how dare you pass on a judgement on me and tell me what i am writing is incorrect. I am fed-up of people who are seems the world is full of them! i guess these people thrive on arguments..advice giving and putting people down. 'You cannot say this'...'this is wrong'...'in my opinion'...really who the freak cares! shove ur opinion and keep ur trap shut!

I have seen arguments everywhere....weight-loss help boards...even on boards that help you to write a competetive exams..there is always a group of people..basically busy bodies..who moniter everything around them and make sure things are as to their liking. What a bunch of selfish losers. It gets hard to even express what you there is someone pointing their finger and saying..'this is wrong...this is how it should be told'...'that is great'...who are you btw. and why do you hide under alphabets and fictitious names and leave no valid email that i can reach you and give you a piece of my mind....uuuugh!


mitr_bayarea said...

Am so hesitant to comment now..hopefully whoever pissed you off reads this and backs off big-time.

Rajitha said...

ha ha..why mitr..u have always been nice here and other places i have seen u comment. This is actually not just for ppl. who do it to me..but also i have seen in many others and friends..just venting u know...hope i did not freak you out :)..i am nice..i don't bite ;)

Anonymous said...

:) I think I know where this came from. I actually was contemplating about continuing blogging or to respond like how you have or just ignore it. So...thanks!! :D Yes, we don't need to justify what we write or even why we write something! As you have written , people who don't approve can just move on. The blog is our space to write what we want

Rajitha said...

A..exactly...and that is what these people want..bloggers who are honest to stop blogging or be docile!..the best deal is to show them how much we really care for their opinion :)

Laavanya said...

Somethings look easier to put down from outside - only if they are actually writing a blog will they know the thought and effort that goes into it and think twice before sending in a stupid comment.

TBC said...

Kya ho raha hain idhar? Kisne piss off kiya tujhe?

mitr_bayarea said...


hmm...understand, thanks for letting me off the hook):

sra said...

Rants or recipes, you gotta post at least one or the other! C'mon, don't be lazy!

Sig said...

Did I miss something????? You gotta email me the story behind this rant :) Looks like I am missing all the latest gossip these days!