Friday, August 1, 2008

You know

what makes me mad about blogging and even commenting is people out of the blue..complete strangers come in and shove their opinion on what is right or not. Who are these people and what right do they have to tell me how i should express my feelings?? If you do not like what i am saying..please move on..close the page..or ignore my comment and maybe make sure you never read what i write..but how dare you pass on a judgement on me and tell me what i am writing is incorrect. I am fed-up of people who are seems the world is full of them! i guess these people thrive on arguments..advice giving and putting people down. 'You cannot say this'...'this is wrong'...'in my opinion'...really who the freak cares! shove ur opinion and keep ur trap shut!

I have seen arguments everywhere....weight-loss help boards...even on boards that help you to write a competetive exams..there is always a group of people..basically busy bodies..who moniter everything around them and make sure things are as to their liking. What a bunch of selfish losers. It gets hard to even express what you there is someone pointing their finger and saying..'this is wrong...this is how it should be told'...'that is great'...who are you btw. and why do you hide under alphabets and fictitious names and leave no valid email that i can reach you and give you a piece of my mind....uuuugh!